Tax residency certificate

Tax residency certificate

A CFR, also known as a certificate of tax residency, is a document that confirms in which country a taxpayer is liable to pay tax. For employers, having a CFR is crucial, as it enables the proper determination of the country of taxation for individuals who earn income both in Poland and abroad. The certificate provides fiscal clarity, eliminating the risk of double taxation and providing transparency in settlements.

My-Work is a company that specializes in providing professional support in obtaining a tax residency certificate. Our team of experienced experts is familiar with the tax laws in various jurisdictions and will help you go through the process of obtaining a CFR in an efficient and effective manner. With us, you can rest assured that your tax returns will be in compliance with the applicable regulations, thus avoiding unnecessary hassles with the tax authorities.

When is a Tax Residency Certificate needed?

There are several situations in which it is necessary to have a certificate of tax residency. If income is earned both in Poland and abroad, you should have a CFR to determine the correct country of taxation. A CFR is especially important when there is a risk of double taxation – that is, taxation of the same income in two different countries. Therefore, it is necessary to have a certificate of tax residency, as it allows you to avoid such situations

How to obtain a Tax Residency Certificate?

Typically, you will need to apply for a CFR at the relevant tax office, providing your basic identification information and explaining what purposes you need the certificate for. It is worth remembering that the CFR is issued in the official language of the country.

We receive this document within 7 days of application and it is issued by the Tax Office. We guarantee support in completing applications, provide advice and assist in communicating with the Tax Authority. Our company offers comprehensive support in obtaining CFR and other tax return services. Trust our knowledge, experience and professionalism, and we will help you obtain a tax residency certificate in an efficient and hassle-free manner.

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