About us

We provide expert assistance in the hiring and legalization process. Our team of employees is an invaluable support for countless Employers, and many of them have decided to cooperate with our office on a permanent basis. We assist both in the process of hiring employees from Poland and foreigners. We not only deal with the completion of all formalities necessary to obtain permits to perform work, but also provide assistance in the entire employment process, including through the preparation of employment contracts, referral to medical examinations, conducting health and safety training, or representing the client in any offices or notary office, in the role of translator or authorized representative.

How do we operate?

We have gained a lot of positive feedback from Clients not only because we comfortably relieve both the Employer and the Employee of all duties related to hiring and employment legalization process, but also because we show great commitment and individualized approach. We focus on the needs of the Client, so we ensure your complete satisfaction with the implementation of our services.

Entrusting our specialists with matters related to the employment of a foreigner is a guarantee that matters will be handled professionally, efficiently and to your benefit.

Do you have questions?

Dziękujemy za wysłanie zapytania!

Dzień dobry! 

Potwierdzamy, że otrzymaliśmy Twoją wiadomość. Staramy się odpowiadać jak najszybciej. Nasz konsultant wkrótce się z Tobą skontaktuje.

W sprawach pilnych, jesteśmy do Twojej dyspozycji:

e-mail: mywork.biuro@gmail.com
tel: +48 575 840 252

Pracujemy od poniedziałku do piątku, w godzinach 08:00 – 16:00.

Zespół My-work